How to reduce CO2 emissions from furnace?

Co2 emissions

Furnaces are commonly used in various industrial processes to generate heat. They burn fossil fuels such as natural gas, oil, or coal to generate heat. Unfortunately, this also releases greenhouse gases, such as CO2, into the atmosphere. The increased concentrations of these gases in the atmosphere contribute to climate change. However, furnace modification is an […]

Iconic features of Drop Bottom Quench Furnace

Drop bottom quench furnace

  What is drop bottom quench furnace? The Drop Bottom Furnace is an inverted furnace with a charge lifting and lowering facility. This facility allows the furnace to accept high-speed quenching, which includes de-clamping, door opening, and quenching. The Drop Bottom Furnace can either be of the freestanding kind, in which the charge carrier loader […]

Guide of Industrial Heat Treatment Furnace

Industrial Heat furnaces

Heat-treating is using rapid heating and cooling to alter the physical or chemical properties of metal or other substances. This is usually done to improve the metal’s hardness, strength, or ductility, but heat-treating can also be used to remove residual stress and increase wear resistance. Processes that rely on heat treatment include brazing, tempering, annealing, […]